How to Terraform

More about Terraforming

General Planet Topics

There are two basic ways to terraform a planet. The first and easiest is to add auto-build terraforming tasks to the production queue. Min and Max Terraforming are auto-build tasks which remain in the queue and operate only when both necessary and possible. These can be added manually or using a production template. The second method is to manually add the Terraform Environment task to the production queue.

Terraforming tasks can use only the terraforming technology you possess. So, if you have only Radiation and Temperature Terraforming, you can't modify only gravity. The terraforming will automatically act first on the environmental attribute which when modified will most improve the planet's habitability.

Terraforming with Auto-build Tasks

1.        Bring the planet you wish to terraform under command.

2.        Click on the Change button in the Production tile, opening the Production dialog.

3.        In the production inventory, click on either the Min or Max Terraform auto-build tasks. Then click on the Add button to raise the limit to which the task will terraform.

Min and Max Terraforming:

Minimal (Min) terraforming changes only those environmental attributes that have a negative value and that you have the technology to change, up to the percentage you specify in the task. Terraforming will continue only until the planet value reaches zero. To go beyond the point of minimal terraforming, you must manually add Terraform Environment or the Max Terraforming auto-build task. Minimal Terraforming will activate and terraform only when there are resources available and not doing so would cause people to die on the planet (from negative environment values or overcrowding).

Max Terraforming changes any environmental attributes that you have the technology to change, up to the percentage you specify in the task.

As each terraforming task completes, an environmental factor is improved by 1%.

Terraforming as a Default Action

You implement default terraforming by defining a default production template that includes auto-build terraforming tasks. This is done through the production dialog.

Auto-build items do not need to be consecutively listed nor do they need to appear at the top of the queue to work.

1.        Make sure the queued auto-build terraforming items are arranged in same order in which they will appear in the template.

2.        Make sure the Contribute only Leftover Resources to Research checkbox is set the way you want it to be reflected in the template. A checked box is reflected at the bottom of the dialog by the words "Don't contribute to research" while an unchecked box is reflected by the words "Contribute to research".

3.        Right-click on the blue diamond and select <customize>.

4.        Select <Default>.

5.        Click on Import, then click on OK to close the dialog.

That's it. The default production orders will take affect on every planet taken over or newly colonized. It does not affect any planets where colonists have already landed.

Adding Terraforming to the Queue Manually

1.        Double-click on the planet you wish to terraform, placing it in the Command pane.

2.        Click on the Change button in the Production tile, opening the Production dialog.

3.        In the production inventory, click on the Terraform Environment task. Then click on the Add button to add the desired number of this task to perform.

Each Terraform Environment task you add to the production queue improves an environment factor by 1%. The current level of your terraforming technology limits the number of tasks you may add to the queue. When you have successfully completed all the tasks you can add to the queue, the Terraform Environment task disappears from the production inventory. It will reappear once you achieve a higher level of technology that allows you to terraform further.

Races based on the Claim Adjuster primary trait have access to ship components that can terraform other player's planets from orbit.

Learn about:

Creating a Production Template